
About aspergillosis

Aspergillosis is a fungal infection in parrots and parakeets caused by the fungus Aspergillus. This fungus is common in the environment and can cause problems under certain circumstances, especially in birds with weakened immune systems or under stress. The infection mainly affects the bird's respiratory tract, including the lungs and air sacs. Symptoms of Aspergillosis include difficulty breathing, coughing, nasal discharge, general weakness, decreased appetite and weight loss. In severe cases, parrots may also show neurological symptoms, such as balance problems or paralysis. It is important to consult a vet immediately at the first signs of these symptoms for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Suitable samples

  • Smear or swab of the trachea
  • Caution: the sampling here is best done by a veterinarian to guarantee a correct sample and avoid problems such as biting off or swallowing the swab. Contact NeorniVet or your own veterinarian.


  • Processing time 2-3 working days
  • You will receive an email when your results and certificate are available on your personal portal