Circo (PBFD)

About circo

Circovirus in parrots, a beak and feather disease known as 'Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease' (PBFD) is a viral disease that can affect parrots, parakeets and other bird species. The virus affects the bird's immune system cells and feather follicles. Symptoms can vary. Typically, we see feather loss, deformities of new feathers, lesions on the skin and beak abnormalities or deformities. In some cases, the birds may also show signs of general weakness, such as weight loss, lethargy and reduced appetite. Because circovirus affects the immune system, infected birds are also more susceptible to other infections. Early diagnosis and supportive care are essential, as in some cases it is possible to overcome the infection with appropriate medication and support. Birds that test positive but show no signs of the disease should be retested after 2-3 months. This is necessary to recognise and isolate within the population animals that have been infected for a long time, and thus could potentially infect other birds.

Suitable samples

  • 4-5 freshly plucked breast feathers
  • Blood (capillary)


  • Processing time 2-3 working days
  • You will receive an email when your results and certificate are available on your personal portal