Rota - Circo - Adeno (young pigeon disease syndrom)

Young pigeon disease

At NeorniLab, you can have your pigeons screened for the most common diseases in young pigeons: rotavirus, circovirus and adenovirus. Secondarily, these viruses cause dysbacteriosis in the intestines where bacteria can overgrow and a coli or other bacterial secondary infection can develop. Stress factors, such as extremely hot weather, overcrowded pens or training flights, can increase the risk of an outbreak of the disease.

  • Besides acute mortality, rotavirus can also cause severe outbreaks of diarrhoea in young pigeons. Without timely treatment, this can lead to dehydration and, in severe cases, death of the pigeon. Preventive vaccination is possible with a specific pigeon strain and will also ensure that other viruses (e.g. circo), if present, are better controlled.
  • Circovirus weakens the immune system of pigeons, making them more susceptible to other diseases. Young pigeons may experience growth problems and reduced performance. Preventive vaccination is not possible to date, except through a pig strain where its effectiveness has not been proven. 
  • The adenovirus mainly causes liver inflammation in young pigeons. Symptoms include lethargy, reduced appetite and, in later stages, a distended abdomen. The virus itself is not very common today. Nevertheless, it is important to keep screening for it to stay one step ahead of the virus. Preventive vaccination is possible via a poultry strain.

Suitable samples

  • Cloacal swab (smear or swab of the cloaca) 
  • Blood (capillary)  
  • Organs (autopsy)


  • Processing time 2-3 working days
  • You will receive an email when your results and certificate are available on your personal portal